Friday, February 24, 2012

My Guacamole Recipe

Eversince I learned how to do my own guacamole, I can't stop making it, I probably make it every couple of weeks or so. I went to a cooking class about 2 years ago and learned a few Mexican dishes. It was taught by a friend of mine, who happens to be from Mexico City. It was a great course and have learned a lot. Prior to this course, I avoided making my own salsa and guacamole. I just didn't have the confidence to do it thinking it is difficult. Boy was I wrong. It was easy and quick and best of all it taste way better making it at home than buying packaged stuff. My guacamole is almost the same as the one he taught us to make. I did edit the recipe a little bit adding my own twists. Hope you like it.

Guacamole with Spicy Fried Chicken

2 medium hass avocadoes, mashed until smooth
2 medium ripe tomatoes, diced (brunoise)
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped red chili
1 tablespoon julienned cilantro/coriander
1/2 lime, juice only
pinch of garlic powder
pinch of onion powder
salt & white pepper to taste
extra cilantro/coriander for garnish

Combine the avocado, lime, garlic, onion, salt & pepper
Taste & make sure you are happy with the taste
Add the chili, tomatoes (leave some for garnish) and cilantro/coriander
Mix carefully until well combined
Garnish with extra remaining tomatoes and extra cilantro/coriander
Variations & Tips
you can use fresh garlic and onion if you prefer,
if so, grate the garlic so it is minced finely
and finely chop the onions (red onions preferrably)
also, sometimes i add a dallop of sour cream to my guacamole to
add acidity & make the guacamole a little bit creamier
for a chunkier texture, don't mash the avocadoes to much
and cut your tomatoes bigger
if tomatoes aren't in season, you can always use cherry or grape
tomatoes, more often than not, they tend to be sweeter and
because they're already small, you can just cut then in quarters
so it will be easier and quicker


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